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Mærker›Monitor Audio›Indbygningshøjttalere til loft og væg›Creator serien Monitor Audio Creator serien Monitor Audio Creator Serien repræsenterer en milepæl i indbygningshøjttaler teknologi. Hele processen med at skabe Monitor Audio Creator Serien startede med en invitation til branchens førende eksperter inden for AV installation og projektledelse. Formålet var at kortlægge deres eksisterende erfaringer med indbygningshøjttalere samt lytte til deres krav og ønsker i forhold til at skabe den ultimative indbygningshøjttaler serie. 19 resultater |
Britisk High-Fidelity Arkitektonisk Lyd Redefineret Creator serien omdefinerer reglerne for skræddersyet installation. En smart, niveaudelt serie af højtydende, installationsvenlige loft- og væghøjttalere, der leverer bedre lyd til kunderne og øget fleksibilitet og klarhed for installatørerne.
Where enhanced performance is required, Tier 2 models offer a significant step up over Tier 1 models, both in terms of acoustics and features.
✅ Boundary correction, mid/high frequency & cut/boost
✅ C-CAM RST II mid-bass drivers
✅ C-CAM gold dome Tweeters with UD Waveguide II
✅ RST II bass drivers
✅ Tri-Grip II legs
✅ Quik-Link
✅ Rotating mid-pod
Tier 3 offers discreet, premium high-fidelity sound, coupled with technological innovations that offer enhanced flexibility of speaker placement.
✅ Boundary correction, mid/high frequency & cut/boost
✅ IDC II coaxial mid/tweeter drivers
✅ RDT III bass drivers
✅ MPD II transducer
✅ Tri-Grip II legs
✅ Quik-Link
✅ Rotating mid-pod
Anvendelsen af nøgle akustiske teknologier fra Monitor Audio, som oftere findes i vores premium standalone højttalere, sikrer en livagtig, upåklagelig lyd. Samtidig gør innovative funktioner og et omfattende, klart defineret sortiment installationen problemfri. Hvis du troede, du kendte til skræddersyet installation, så tænk igen; Creator serien omdefinerer britisk high-fidelity arkitektonisk lyd.
Gennemsigtigt Designfilosofi
Hvert Monitor Audio produkt er resultatet af intens samarbejde, baseret på årtiers erfaring inden for designteamet, og sikrer, at alle elementerne af ydeevne, teknologi og design fungerer i harmoni.
Creator serien er den fysiske manifestation af denne tilgang.
The curved profile of the waveguide has been optimised with the help of Finite Element Analysis in order to give benefits such as a controlled directivity pattern and increased radiation efficiency.
1. Even dispersion characteristics
The tweeter has a more controlled off-axis dispersion pattern which allows for greater listener positioning flexibility as the tonal balance won’t change significantly when moving away from the central listening ‘hotspot’
2. Improved time alignment
The depth of the waveguide means that the tweeter voice coil is located deeper within the cabinet and is more in line with the mid-bass drivers. A better sense of timing will be perceived because the wave fronts from the tweeter and drivers will reach the listener simultaneously
3. Lower crossover frequency for wider directivity
The increased radiation efficiency provided by the waveguide allows the crossover frequency to be decreased. This is particularly important for the Bronze 100 and Bronze 500 models where a 8" (200 mm) mid-bass driver is used because the directivity pattern starts to narrow at a lower frequency compared to a smaller diameter driver. The lower crossover frequency helps to widen the directivity around the crossover region by redistributing some energy to the tweeter
Vocals have never sounded this clear.
Building on the work conducted for the Gold Series 5G range Monitor Audio has developed a new mid-range for the Silver Series 7G range. The mid-range follows the same design aims, to improve directivity through the use of a compact design and to maximise the bandwidth of the driver to allow a smooth crossover with the tweeter.
Together, all this technology can be seen as RST II that delivers smooth and low distortion mid-range.
Uniform Dispersion Waveguide produces even dispersion characteristics, improved time alignment so the wave fronts from both tweeter and drivers will reach the listener simultaneously, and lower crossover frequency for wider directivity.
Building on the UD Waveguide, this new development adds a compression ring above the surround and dome (Blue) increasing the tweeters sensitivity above 10 kHz. The increased sensitivity helps to flatten the frequency response whilst also reducing the distortion.
The waveguide geometry, has been optimised to work with the new compression ring. Together, this results in reduced distortion across the entire operating band when compared to both Silver 6G & Bronze 6G. Reduce distortion will mean the speaker are more comfortable to listen to and will go louder.
The in-ceiling and in-wall LCR models employ a unique pivoting Inverted Dual Concentric midrange/tweeter module offering up to 18 degrees of play. This allows for the speakers to be discreetly positioned and the sound to be directed toward the listening zone by pivoting the IDC driver module to maximize performance. With the IDC module installed, these architectural speakers become true 3-way designs, offering superior performance and flexibility over typical 2-way or fixed angle speakers.
Within the proprietary IDC module an inverted 4" midrange driver provides superior dispersion while enabling the midrange cone and tweeter dome assembly to be set as far forward as possible, allowing a clear acoustic 'sighting' of the desired listening zone and reducing undesirable diffraction effects. It's impossible to avoid diffraction effects from conventional two-way designs, which locate the bass driver 75 mm (3") to 150 mm (6") behind the speaker grille.
Super light, yet super strong, the Rigid Diaphragm Technology III (RDT III) cone works like a perfect piston. The ideal technology for elevating both midrange and bass performance, the drivers produce mid frequencies with dexterity, and bass is tight and articulate.
RDT III has three improvements over its predecessor:
The result is that the Platinum 3G mid and bass drivers boast the lowest distortion of any Monitor Audio speaker in its history.
Custom Audio Holbæk
Tlf. 27 79 61 22
Custom Audio Hillerød
Tlf. 27 79 61 20